Thursday, May 21, 2009

Alphabitty Moments - The Letter M

It's Thursday again. Man, this week has flown by. It's time once again for Alphabitty Moments, a blog carnival created by MamaBear at 4 The Love of Family.

This week was a tough one for me. I really had a hard time coming up with what I wanted to do for the letter M. I finally decided to use Music.

Little Man has loved music since he was a little tiny thing. It used to soothe him when he was fussy, and now if he hears music, he immediately starts dancing.

Still photos of dancing are not that easy to capture, but here he is in the midst of one of his dance moves.

Please note that he is listening to the '80's XM station. Music from the 1980's and 1990's seems to be his favorite. Well, those and the theme song to Yo Gabba Gabba!


Erin said...

I didn't even think of Music! My daughter LOVES to dance! Very Cute and great idea!

Jenney said...

This was a cute idea...and yes, photographing dance is hard-great job! My son asked a girl besides his mommy to dance for the first time last weekend. Too bad she was married :o)


Susan, Great pic:) I hope to get caught up on your blog soon:)