Monday, April 27, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

MckMama is not posting a Not Me! yet again this week. She is anxiously awaiting news on Stellan's EKG and QT length and Right Branch Bundle Block. (I am NOT thrilled that my Googlologist/Dr. Mom skills are being enhanced by MckMama's School of Medical Terminology).

I did NOT, upon learning that I had been linked to from another blog, immediately implement a bloggy makeover. The news of that link did NOT make me think there was a chance I might have 'company', thereby necessitating the need to 'tidy up'.

I did NOT go to my annual ob/gyn check up and find out I have lost exactly ONE pound since my last exam. My last exam was NOT when my Little Man was only 6 weeks old. Surely I have lost more than ONE lousy pound of baby weight!

I did NOT at any time or for any reason use the TV to distract my Little Man so that I could have a moment's peace.

I do NOT call DJ Lance "DJ Anorexia" or think that he resembles an orange Q-tip.

I did NOT spend much of Saturday afternoon manning the Rubber Chicken Toss booth at my girls' school's Spring Carnival. (Redneck games, anyone?)

I did NOT finally finish going through all the 100's of Orange for Stellan emails I eagerly volunteered to allow into my inbox. NOT a single one of them touched my heart or brought tears to my eyes. After NOT spending time in that role as MckAssistant, I did NOT watch my DVR'd Grey's Anatomy, which was NOT about a pediatric case. I also did NOT watch the DVR'd Oprah with Matt Logelin or Extreme Makeover Home Edition. I was NOT an emotional mess the rest of the evening!!

I did NOT spend all of Sunday in my PJ's doing absolutely nothing all day long! I also did NOT enjoy all the nothingness!


MamaBear said...

Cute new look! I like the stripes and the texture of the orange. I am NOT already thinking of updating my look after such a short time.

I did not laugh out loud in Starbucks about the the rubber chicken even though I already knew about it.

I have not stuck my kids in front of a movie almost daily since my workload has increased. Not Me!

I did not hyjack your comments to add my own Not Me's since I should be working and not blogging. :)

Lisa Noel said...

love the new look.

Kristine said...

Gotta love Yo Gabba Gabba. Ry's watching it right now, lol.

Carol said...

I really think I'm getting the hang of this whole Not Me Monday thing.

It's forcing me to get my camera out and stuff! I believe I've found a new addiction - as if I needed one - No, Not Me!!

Have a super week!

Cathy said...

I can only imagine what your inbox looked like!!!! ...and here I harrassed you with 2 simply because I failed to edit BEFORE I sent it the first time:)

And I like the new look too! I totally would have done the same thing;)