Friday, March 27, 2009

Alphabitty Moments--The Letters A & B (Updated)

UPDATE: Please note that these are OLD pictures. I am really not trying to give anyone a heart attack or stroke or anything. Although this has given me a great, yet slightly evil, idea for my hubby for April Fool's Day!!
Playing catch up!

The Letter A:


The Letter B:


Lisa Noel said...

ok lady, that was sooo not cool. i see your blog title and a preggo test!!! gave me a darn heart attack. lol great use of the letters!!!
and i'm glad i'm not the only one stalking her family too

Crystal said...

I know I about had a hard attack too then I remember the letter thing lol.

Trish said...

LMAO Lisa I was gonna post the same thing!!! You can't just throw pregnancy test pictures up and not expect to startle some people!!

But anyway love the pics. :)