Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

We don't have any big plans for today. 

Not even a cook out.

Actually, my husband is working today while I'm home with the kids.

But, we live in a Navy town, which makes Memorial Day seem more relevant than it ever did when I was a kid.

I love seeing and hearing Navy planes flying over my house as they practice maneuvers...or whatever they call it.

I love driving over the river and seeing Navy helicopters hovering above the water.  It's a bonus if we actually see someone jumping from the helicopter into the water.

I love logging onto Facebook and seeing that my friends (both Navy and other branches of the armed forces) who are currently serving overseas are safe.

One of those friends has three little girls back home. 

My thoughts and prayers are with him and them today.

Could you please add yours too?


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